I didn’t know anything about parsnip until I planted it for the first time almost three years ago. This root vegetable has managed to surprise me twice since then. Keep reading to discover how…
The best squash harvest ever
In the unexpected turn of permacultural events, our allotment this gardening season produced more squash fruits than ever before…
The help from the compost heap
Due to lack of time and bad weather this spring, I had way less warm-season vegetable seedlings at the start of the summer than I was hoping to have. Luckily, my compost heap surprised me with a few free, self-raised tomato and squash seedlings…
This year’s self-seeders
No matter how much time and work I put into my vegetable garden, I can always find more things to do – especially at the beginning of the season. It seems like my gardening to-do list just never ends. So, I do appreciate it when something in the garden gets done without me doing it. And that is why I love the so called self-seeders so much. Discover which ones come up this year!
The vertical dimension in my garden
I have been neglecting the vertical dimension in my vegetable garden in the past growing seasons. Although I have been familiar with the use and the benefits of verticality in gardening, I used the concept only with tomatoes. This year, however, I’m trying it with other vegetables as well…
Does sheep wool work in vegetable gardening?
I heard that sheep’s wool can be really useful in the vegetable garden. It is supposed to help maintain the moisture in the soil, and act as a fertilizer as well. That’s why I decided to give it a try this year. So, how exactly am I using it? Well, I add some of it […]