Discover how I blindly jumped into growing vegetable seedlings from seed during lockdown – and still got earlier, bigger harvests!

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Not long ago – during the first coronavirus outbreak in March 2020 – I decided to try growing my own vegetable seedlings from seed. Although I had started a seed or two in pots and cell trays here and there before, this time felt different. The world had shifted overnight, and the possibility of running out of food felt more real than ever. With my wife three months pregnant, I wanted a backup plan. I wanted to grow food – faster and on a bigger scale than ever before…
Vegetable seed-starting seemed like the perfect solution. If I could figure out how to raise my own plants from seed, I wouldn’t have to rely so much on whether stores stayed open or if garden centers had seedlings in stock. I could just take a seed, plant it even before the soil outside was warm enough, and – if I did things right – turn it into real food for my family!
Luckily, the world didn’t end despite all the doom and gloom that was going on. Food was still available in the stores. But I stuck to my plan anyway. And it turned out better than I could have imagined. Sure, I faced plenty of setbacks along the way. Many seedlings never made it to transplant size. But the ones that did – and there were plenty – thrived and delivered earlier and bigger harvests than I had ever seen before.
So, if you would like to start growing your vegetables from seeds, or if you have already tried it but still feel like you need a few more pointers in the right direction, I truly believe my ebook can help. It is an honest look at how I went from near-complete novice to raising strong, healthy seedlings that produced earlier, bigger harvests—and how you can do the same.
What is inside this free ebook:
- Everything I needed to get started – from potting soil and growing containers to seeds and more.
- The step-by-step process I followed to turn seeds into strong, transplant-ready plants.
- All my successes, setbacks and mistakes – so you see both sides of the adventure and skip the confusion and frustration I experienced.
- The thinking behind my actions – why I made the decisions I made and why they worked or didn’t work.
- What I would do differently next time, based on what I learned along the way – so you can avoid beginner mistakes and set yourself up for even better results.
How to get your copy:
The ebook is completely free and available immediately after you sign up. You will get it in both PDF and EPUB formats. Simply enter your email address below to download your free copy today!
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